Indus Valley Partners Acquires IntegriDATA
Together, we’ll provide unmatched solutions to the Buy Side
Learn MoreTo satisfy investors, asset managers must justify strategies—both with specific investment decisions and portfolio performance. Indus Valley Partners can help satisfy these inquiries quickly while telling a cohesive story.
IVP Decision Science is a portfolio analytics platform that enables asset managers to quantify, analyze, and track portfolio theses and generate insights into P&L attribution, investment risk, and portfolio performance across strategies, analysts, and sectors. The end result is a custom front-office narrative backed by portfolio insights and detailed performance attribution.
Decision Science Key Features
Extensive capabilities include multi-factor attribution of returns, security analysis, ex-post and ex-ante attribution, and calculation trees.
Organize and visualize the data required to generate impactful insights into P&L attribution, investment risk, and portfolio performance.
Remove noise from vast amounts of social information to identify and analyze sentiment
with precision.
Set up custom alerts and notifications to improve awareness of specific events occurring across multiple portfolios.
Generate insights for front office teams with active portfolio reporting, including slice-and-dice reports, ad hoc analysis, and on-the-fly reporting.
IVP Decision Science helps asset managers complete all the steps required to build efficient portfolios and communicate front office narratives effectively.
Together provide a comprehensive framework for managing data on the buy-side.
AUM managed using IVP technology
RAUM reported through IVP Regulatory
Reporting Platform
Strategy & Bespoke Projects delivered
Fund managers using IVP Solutions
Fund Managers using IVP “Digital First” Managed Services
Global hedge fund AUM running through IVP products
Generate real-time insights and advanced portfolio analytics
Create and distribute intelligent reports
Set up real-time portfolio alerts and notifications
Powered by IVP Managed Services, this platform becomes “Reconciliation as a Service.” In this streamlined outsourcing engagement, our cross-functional support teams use digital-first technologies to manage reconciliation workflows in the cloud to boost your efficiency.
See how IVP Consulting partners with leading buy-side firms to unlock innovation and achieve lasting success.
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